All is nonsense – to paraphrase Solomon’s opening words in the amazing book of Ecclesiastes. It’s all chasing after the wind. Flatulence will get you nowhere – you might say. Here I am at the back end of 5 in the morning writing stuff and, well, nonsense.

I had planned on getting some work done last night but wandering into the slough of despond I opted to finish my online ‘A Christmas Carol’. Do you ever feel like you’ve immersed yourself in a book – identifying with situation and the characters, gripped by the tension, anticipating the climax – only to feel deflated when it all resolves? It’s like when your best mate gets married. Yes you’re pleased for him but to be honest you feel betrayed. Not that you wouldn’t have done the same but that’s not the point. I like tunes that end on a second, like there’s something else to come, films that leave you in suspense and books that ask more questions than they answer.

Life has more commas than full stops. When the party’s over your life carries on and for most of us its no party. Ecclesiastes isn’t a happy ever after book; it ends warning that God will judge you according to what you do. But interspersed throughout are little nuggets like ‘enjoy life with your wife, whom you love’ and ‘follow the ways of your heart and whatever your eyes see.” The author knows that when the party is over there’ll just be tidying up to do, hangovers to look forward to and meaninglessness. Don’t refuse that dance because the chance will be gone once the last waltz has been played.

My life seems to be surrounded by meaningless nonsense. I’m getting very skilled at building castles in the sand and used to listening to other people’s plans for their next silica’n empire. Life’s a beach. So why am I up writing at the crack of dawn? Well, after bidding Scrooge goodbye there seemed only one good thing to do and that was go to bed even if it wasn’t yet nine of the clock. Earlier in the day I had been pondering the endless possibilities that lay ahead of me but beginnings take more energy than endings – it’s all to do with inertia (or unertia in my case). I was spent.

God save me from meaningless claptrap, that masquerades as wisdom; coincidences, that claim to be miracles; fiction, that claims to be fact; spirituality, that deals in fairy tales. When the high tide laps at your feet, seemingly answering your prayer, don’t dive in or you will be swept out to sea. Instead walk out to the low tide. Wait, and it will cover your ankles; tarry, and it will reach your waist. Your patience will be rewarded and your wisdom will profit you. There are no signs or wonders in Ecclesiastes, no mention of the Messiah. You could say it is a low book but all the better to dip your toe in.

Ecclesiastes means teacher [of the assembly]

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