CoVID-19 Day 40

Please imagine I’m up-to-date with my diary and I’m not writing 2 entries the same day to catch up. Please imagine I’m doing this for the benefit of my readership and not pandering to my own sense of self respect (of which there’s little — evidently).

I don’t know what day I’m on. I’ve had to check what the number was yesterday before starting today’s drivel. I’m in panic mode and I don’t know why. There’s no pressure on me and I don’t know what anyone’s expectations are so why am I bothered?

Anyway, less about me. How are you doing? ………………… ………………… ………………… ………………… ………………… ………………… ………………… ………………… ………………… ………………… sorry, am I talking to myself? Well no, I’m talking to my phone which is worse than anything. My head is spinning. Too much information and not enough hugs. It’s mental (am I allowed to say that). But it is!

Let’s carry on with this monologue pretending to be a conversation. My day, which was yesterday, was like doing a jigsaw of a green cat in front of a green screen. The finished thing looks like the box except it’s obvious I’ve forced the pieces into where they don’t belong — like who cares, it’s done. No Kermit, it’s not easy being green.

Someone said Matt Hancock was self congratulating on TV earlier which, to me, sounded disgusting but that’s just how my mind works. Actually it is disgusting because it’s all a game to them.

All they have to do is finish the jigsaw so they can say they’ve done it. It doesn’t matter that the finished thing looks nothing like the box, that they had to cut the corners off a few pieces, that the jigsaw will now have to be thrown away or that what really matters is that each piece is unique and that’s the whole point.

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