Embracing the Challenge

I wrote every day for 60 days during last year’s lockdown and for 20 weeks, writing once a week after my 60 day stint. At that point life had moved on from lockdown. Restrictions were no longer a novelty and as the year went on we got used to things being radically different for the foreseeable future. Talk of life not going back to normal turned to dealing with whatever restrictions were in place at the time. I’m not sure anyone now has a sense of what normal is though maybe that’s a good thing.

In March last year I was getting pushback for being hyper-critical of the government at a time when people were coming to terms with the pandemic and looking for reassurance rather than reasons to be concerned. Compliance with the restrictions was high and it seemed citizens were more than happy to give the government the benefit of the doubt though less charity was given to those who broke (or stretched) the rules. Since then it’s become more and more apparent that, rather than learning on the job, the government have been more interested in PR than actually fixing anything. Confidence is now pretty mixed and fears are based on experience rather than hearsay.

The first lockdown was marked by consistent sunshine. It felt weird to me because it mirrored the surreal nature of the crisis — almost as if the sky had caught onto the pandemic and was exhibiting its own symptoms, albeit pleasant ones. It was a good time to get out and enjoy our daily exercise and find solice in an otherwise disconcerting situation. It was a kind of Stockholme Syndrome where comfort was more readily found in embracing this mysterious yet omnipotent Covid-19, rather than fighting against an invisible foe.

:::::: I’ll get writing again and keep taking my daily exercise :::::::

Though I didn’t abandon it altogether, I got out of the habit of my daily exercise and though I’m no fan of a new lockdown it has stimulated me to start again. They say it’s an ill wind that blows nobody any good and I’m quite willing to take a positive out of what is generally a really bad situation. This isn’t to lessen the gravity of what’s happening, especially when it comes to the the NHS, and god knows we are in a terrible place. However, for some the crisis has been a cash cow and that’s a bitter pill to swallow. Its what’s known as crisis capitalism and is despicable by any measure. We need every sweet spoonful we can to make that go down.

It doesn’t seem like there is any good news; no silver lining; no chink in the armour. And it now feels pointless tearing apart the thread bare plans of the government. We simply don’t know what’s going to happen and we can’t trust the government to fix anything. They’ve made such a huge cock up in every department that their only motivation can be to further cover up their trail of destruction. With no credible opposition in Parliament its down to the people to embrace the challenge and take charge of the situation. Thankfully the unions are stepping up and hopefully they will be supported by the people. Maybe there is light at the end of the tunnel.

Meanwhile I’ll get writing again and keep taking my daily exercise.

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