The Truman Show The Truman show is a 1998 film in which Jim Carrey plays Truman Burbank, the star of a TV reality show. Only…
2021 Lockdown – Day 7
Fixing Stuff Last week I upgraded to fibre broadband. That gives me something like a 7 times improvement in speed and it costs me £1…
2021 Lockdown — Day 5
The Theatre of Crisis It’s generally acknowledged that 536 AD was the worst year in history and was a prelude to a thoroughly miserable decade.…
A Story of a Story
On Lockdown day 3 This is the 3rd day in my 2021 lockdown diary. Something shocking has happened. Not the storming of the Capitol Building…
2021 Lockdown — Day 2
The Same but Different Sky The sun is rising and the sky is clear. Clear just like the skies in our first lockdown. But I’m…
2021 Lockdown — Day 1
Embracing the Challenge I wrote every day for 60 days during last year’s lockdown and for 20 weeks, writing once a week after my 60…
Stuck Home Scream Dome
If you’re reading this you’ve probably got the phonetic connection with Stockholm Syndrome and will no doubt be groaning a little at how contrived it…
Brief History of the 21st Century
This is week 20 of 20 weeks of me posting specifically about the CoVID-19 crisis. It started out with my feelings about living through the…
Welcome to My Submarine
CoVID-19 Diary – week 19 The meme of a nurse checking her purse at the checkout apologising with the words “Sorry, will you accept a…
If I Were You I Wouldn’t Start from Here
CoVID-19 Diary – week 18 Things feel like they’re back to normal and I have to admit there is something comforting about that. Its good…